Sunday, July 18, 2010


Perkenalkan keluarga baru saiah....
ki-ka depan:Me,Zia Idris,Mr.Ali amsar,Intan,Mrs.Ali Amsar,Elsa.
ki-ka blkg: Mr.Ardiansyah,Yan Perdana,Alba

Saya benar-benar menjadi perantauan untuk pertama kalinya.Selama ini walaupun jauh dr keluarga,tp masih deket tante,om dan sebagainya.Tp ini total Saya benar-benar sendiri.
Untuk mengatasi berbagai macam masalah yang mungkin akan timbul,mulai dari kebosanan,masalah dalam pekerjaan,or even your to share your personal need people to share or a shoulder to cry on.

I create my new family in here.At first time i used to hang out with my colleagues.But later,i realize i need people who older and wiser to share with.Mr.Ali Amsar's family is my family now.Maybe i'm the one who feel like that,lol.But honestly,day by day they treat me like their own family.

Hal yang paling membuat Saya selalu ingat akan rumah adalah masakan mama.Beruntung disini Saya juga bisa merasakan itu.Mrs.Ali Amsar will cook it for me.I just ask her and she make it.What a lady.Hahahahaha...benar-benar gak tau diri ya Saya,hihihihi...
She know i love to eat,so she always ask me to eat,eat and eat.
They always invite me to lunch,dinner or just to share tea in the afternoon.And i always have a great time when i spend my time in their home,never make me bored.

Saya bernasib sama dengan kedua pria saya.Oh ya,perkenalkan dua pria yg sekarang menjadi "bodyguard" Saya...Zia Idris and Yan Perdana.Oh yeah,almost forgetting something,we have lil brother and lil sister,Alba(he is so big for his age,lol) and Intan (she is so chubby).
We called Mr.Ali Amsar "babeh" and of course his wife "Enyak".Yes,we are their kids,lol.
Anak ketemu gede...lebih parah,kita yang ngaku-ngaku jadi anaknya mereka,hihihihihi...

When we got sick (first me then Zia and laterYan) they so worry about us.Especially our Enyak.She order us to take a rest,eat properly,dont work too hard and dont be rebel anymore for a while.Its good to have people who care a lot about you.

Thanks to Mr and Mrs Ali Amsar,from the bottom of our heart,we glad to called you our PARENTS.

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